Tuesday, November 1, 2011

  The temperature has dropped below freezing a few times.  This means that the summer varieties are gone.  Although the tomatoes are sheltered from the frost they are ripening at a very slow pace, this week we are including some green tomatoes in the CSA.  The frost does not affect the fall varieties and they are looking great.  This week we are harvesting kohl rabi, cauliflower, broccoli and green cabbages.  The Sandy Springs Market coordinator is putting together a winter CSA starting on November 12 and ending around the middle of December.  The CSA will consist of naturally grown vegetables from 4 farms (including Owl Pine Farm, Hager Crager Farm and Abundant Harvest), let me know if you are interested in information regarding the Winter CSA.
This week’s CSA:
Kohl Rabi
Green Cabbage
Green Tomatoes
Winterbor Kale
Fried Green Tomatoes:
•4 to 6 green tomatoes
•salt and pepper
•bacon grease or vegetable oil
Slice the tomatoes into 1/4 - 1/2-inch slices. Salt and pepper them to taste. Dip in meal and fry in hot grease or oil about 3 minutes or until golden on bottom. Gently turn and fry the other side
*We like to eat our fried green tomatoes with a Cajun remoulade dipping sauce or stacked in layers of Fried green tomato, goat cheese and marinara.  Another great way to enjoy these fried treats is in a BLT (Bacon, lettuce, Tomato) sandwich with fried green tomato and a wasabi mayonnaise.
Braised Kohl Rabi:
I added more stock and cooked it like a traditional "southern" collard green. I also added a little cider vinegar to brighten up the flavors a bit:

bunch kohlrabi with greens attached, about 1.5kg
1 tablespoon peanut oil
1/2 teaspoon each cumin and yellow mustard seeds
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 small jalapeno or other chili, seeded and minced
1/2 cup chicken stock or water
salt and black pepper to taste

Discard any yellow or withered greens from the kohlrabi and cut off most of each stem. Stack the leaves, then roll them in cigar-like fashion and cut across into thin strips, 3mm wide. Put greens in a basin of cool water to remove grit. Drain. Peel and cut kohlrabi into 1cm dice and add to the greens. Put oil in a wok over medium heat. Add cumin and mustard seeds and stir a few seconds until mustard seeds begin to pop. Add garlic and jalapeno and stir a minute or two until garlic turns light golden. Add diced kohlrabi, greens, stock, and salt and black pepper to taste. Toss, cover, and reduce heat to medium. Cook, tossing once or twice, about 20-25 minutes or until kohlrabi is tender. Add a bit more liquid if needed.
Kohl Rabi

Our little pink monster

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